Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dexter Wansel

So I finally got around to copping a copy of this and I found out exactly why it's such a classic.  Really loving the spacey production and tight drum sound.  And how can you argue with that cover... the nerd from outta space! 
Yeah he might look like a dork Mr Manchild but don't be disrespecting the man behind the group Yellow Sunshine; the man who helped shape the Philly sound with our friends Gamble and Huff; the man who penned 'Nights Over Egypt' for the Jones Girls... how many times did you get sampled in 'Jack Of Spades' hey? 
You're in line for a slap kid.
I'm sorry voice in my head that's responsible for that paragraph, this voice in my head won't do it again. 
You'd better not.

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